Calling All Experts!

Can someone explain this? There is something I don't understand going on.

I send 0.00310056 BTC from one wallet situated on a website, to a second wallet on a popular exchange.
Three days go by and no new information is on blockchain, your exchange or the webwallet you sent it from and you get no TxID like you should.
The fourth day goes by and suddenly the 0.003 BTC appears in the exchange wallet, TxID time stamps it down to the second you sent from your webwallet, the exchange states it received first confirmation moments after being sent but yet, there was still a 4 day long delay till I was able to see the funds.

I asks if this can be a glitch or bug only because I heard rumors on Telegram about users finding a way to duplicate your BTC on Bittrex using a time delay issue. Then days after it goes all hush hush and people aren't talking about it Bittrex experiences this issue.

Below are pictures identifying what I mean, currently I have a withdrawal from BESTCOININV LTD but I still have no info on Bittrex and blockchain wont let me search because they are flooded with requests right now. (The 1 day difference is because BCIL and Bittrex are in 2 different time zones.)


  1. I know I did not do this, found a history of it on my account no API active. Only view able on blockchain, Bittrex does not show this as a trade or withdrawal.
    Looks like I had roughly 0.01 BTC skimmed from my account.

  2. Ok. If you are interested. I'll try to answer step by step. It is only my opinion during to the lack of data you have provided. I can be more detailed if you'd like to provide some more data.
    Telling about the four days before the sum appears on an exchange wallet - it really depends of where you ware sending the coins. For example on Exmo deposits are shown after 3 confirmations and a not credited to your balance until 6, so there is a good possibility that there was a time getting such confirmations. The second thing is commission when you make your transfer. Here is an example of what i am telling about - - it takes more than a month already :) but still unconfirmed, and the main thing here - is a commission.
    Telling about the duplication - the real duplication can be done only in the time of chain split, all other thing that are happing now does have nothing with coin duplication. There are a lot of (nonpublic) ways - to speed up or slow down the needed transaction, but it really has nothing with duplicating or double spending your coins. By the way - right now - all requests for double spends can be found easy, and such transactions are marked.
    Also - there is a tool that you can use to check how fast your transaction will be going, and what is the status now.
    If you want me to dig deeper - please provide some more info.

    1. I cannot thank you enough for the helpful information, I will reply to your email soon but between trying to eat, bed rest and vomiting I am not seeing much computer or cellphone time but rather leaving it on to mine all day. Hopefully this pneumonia passes quickly and I am back to 100% soon, regardless my apologies for the lack of reciprocation on my end.


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