Why I ask for donations.

It is a simple question, that rightfully deserves to be answered. 

First a quick question;
 Would you support a group gambling website?
    The idea is a place where gamblers can make teams, pick a website, pick a coin, profit split settings, decide on a automated gambling method then let it run based on how long / how many times the group decides. Additional "human" stop method available if the majority of gamblers agree.
Players can also decide how to split profits,
Even Split is where the profit is divided by the number of people.
Balance Based determines the split based on who contributed most to the total balance.
The house will take a 0.5% edge to help maintain the day to day operational costs.
Every Sunday night we will allow to people to join and vote on a site wide game using Balance Based split. The time to vote will be open for 12 hours then close, after voting is done the voted upon script will run for 1 hour every day. At the end of the each run profits are split, and sent to their rightful owners!

If you like this idea I am starting a crowd funding page, link will be posted up soon. Any information on legalities or if you just want to help start this drop a comment below with your email and I will get back to you as soon as possible!

Time to answer the original question.

The easiest way to put it, is I need to eat as much as the next guy. Writing all of this code, managing the social media and trying to maintain a high level of service for you guys takes a lot. I end up biting a lot of losses testing out scripts, as soon as I find something that can make a profit I am off to the next idea. Often resulting in me not taking advantage enough of my own code. I got asked why dont I just run code while testing on another client, the reason being is running multiple instances of Seuntjie's DiceBot causes the codes to overlap and run as 1 blended mess of betting stratagies. Rendering me unable to host live streams, real $$$ betting or simulations.

What defines profitable to me?

If a script runs for 6 hours, as well as a 1 Million bet simulation without bankrolling and maintaining a positive profit I deem the script to be profitable.

There are over 15 profitable scripts I have written, I simply take my time with releasing everything. Below is a link to pictures, containing some simulation results and finished scripts. As you can see there are plenty to be posted, I am sorry if any of the titles offend people.
Scripting can become rather frustrating and looking at someones documents is like looking into their mind.


Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/ltdicebotter


  1. Buenos días, por la terminación de tu dominio deduzco que sos peruano, bueno tu idea es interesante y bueno el motivo por el cual no existe ese tipo de sitios es simple... porque todas terminan en estafa, de igual seria bueno intentarlo y me gustaría sumarme a su proyecto, formo parte de un grupo cerrado de pocos integrantes los cuales en su tiempo hacíamos lo que vos pero entre nosotros y nos sirvió mucho, estaré pendiente de tus noticias y tus scripts son bueno pero como se sabe los sitios se adecuan a todas las estrategias y tarde o temprano rompen con cualquier scripts o estrategia.
    Espero crezcan tus ideas que me parecen prometedoras y cuente conmigo en lo que pueda, aun no estoy en condición de donar ya que e vuelto a comenzar después de 3 años nuevamente en los juegos y e logrado un bankroll total de unos 20 dolares recién.
    También estoy desarrollando algo similar a lo que planteas pero aun esta en pañales.
    Me gustaría tener una idea mas clara del esqueleto de tu proyecto como para tener una mejor visión.
    te dejo uno de mis correos para poder compartir información mas delicada.


    1. ¡Gracias por el interés y apoyo!

      En realidad soy esloveno y enviaré un correo electrónico tan pronto como pueda. Lo siento, estoy usando Google Translate.


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