Investment Advice - Updated

First time with them but so far so good, still undecided if I would recommend using them.
BTG - Bitcoin Gold volatile and I love it! This "blew up over night" and looks like it will keep going for sometime before leveling out.
Some issues earlier in the day, but I but I see most users had their issues resolved.
Traders you have a lot of room to make money with the hourly up n down, don't get behind on a bad trade you have all day to make it up!
Some issues earlier in the day, but I but I see most users had their issues resolved.
Traders you have a lot of room to make money with the hourly up n down, don't get behind on a bad trade you have all day to make it up!
BCN - ByteCoin Several bots on the market making a lot of money auto trading, I will release a script soon so you can too! Looks like there was a big pump a while ago on HitBTC, could be different on your exchange.
BCN has history, good standing and a steady price. Holding 10k-100k doesn't hurt the bank and in a few months could net big returns, especially if they get on Bittrex. (Next BTG anyone?)
BCN has history, good standing and a steady price. Holding 10k-100k doesn't hurt the bank and in a few months could net big returns, especially if they get on Bittrex. (Next BTG anyone?)
LSK - Lisk Personally I need to do more research, everyone is telling me to HODL and the chart is good. I will say though I walked away with 250k Satoshi profits after a few hours due to the constant activity on the exchange. You are competing with bots so just be smarter then them, they can only work within a set parameter and use algorithms to detect shifts in the market. Use that to your advantage, watch the market and learn.
If you think I should keep doing these nightly let me know.
Cheers - LTDice
Update 2017-11-23: BCN ByteCoin jumping +41%, traded a bunch and still HODL 100k BCN. I suggest grabbing at least 10k BCN, hits 1$ within 6 months you just made 10k USD, new management is very friendly. A few questions about the past need to be answered but ByteCoin is getting the fresh start it needed. HitBTC opened OTC Trading with a minimum of 100k USDT meaning big increases across the board for most crypto-currencies! Buy and Hold or trade during the new spike of cash coming in!
Also Doge is seeing massive increases, time to ride the wave of cash. Buy n Hold, sell once your up!
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