Dice Bot Beta!
Seuntjie just released a beta attempting to combat the recent issue with my last script Calculated Randomness!
If you are new to the script pleas read previous posts.
Links to the script and Beta Below!
Test yourself, adjust settings for the script to suit your needs!
SideNote: Zap.in allows me to earn BTC every time someone clicks one of my links, helps pay the bills and keep everything free around here.
DiceBot Beta
Calculated Randomness High Bets:
Calculated Randomness Low Bets:
Low bets VS High bets
I was extremely lucky this run, almost reset as soon as I started high bets but it ended up paying off. This is all based on luck and randomness, only varied down to a certain degree.
Update 2017-11-27 1:116 AM:
In-case you do not want to browse through the posts and view development here is another version of the reset function. I find it more reliable with the beta then the resetstats(). reset, this is a forced bet.
Adjust bet values for high and low by adding 0's.
In-case you do not want to browse through the posts and view development here is another version of the reset function. I find it more reliable with the beta then the resetstats(). reset, this is a forced bet.
Adjust bet values for high and low by adding 0's.

need you to upload files again, please