Read all and quit your job! UPDATED 2017-11-28 1:21AM

This is the beginning.

My official review of HashFlare Hexabot and BESTCOIN INV LTD begins today,

26MH/s ETH on HashFlare, 0.01 BTC in Hexabot and 0.01081084 BTC in BCIL.
So easy that even someone who is new to the crypto world can make money daily!

  Check new post for update Dec 4th 2017, this post got crowded.

I have found all of BCIL's legal work on UK Government websites, enough so I am willing to say they are legitimate, these following days will be a proof test.
        HashFlare is well known and has been in operation for sometime, very well trusted so I have little concern here just worried about ETH mining difficulty jumping too high. As for Hexabot there are some very bad reviews and some the make it seem like a gem, regardless I wont know for sure until I put money in there so that is exactly what was done!

Quick Explanation:

HashFlare: is a cloud mining service, basically you rent their machines and they give you the coins generated. Contracts are 1 year for ETH which is where I am banking my money, you can read the website for more information.

Updated 2017-11-27 1:21PM
Investment group, you put in money and they trade on FOREX/BTC exchange, as well as mining crypto-currencies. This combination allows them to sustain higher payouts while turning a profit. Q&A with Director Adam Williams coming soon!

Hexabot: Official announcement. Was Hacked.

Everything is purchasable with BTC, all of this is done to support the existing economy. If you need more info on how to purchase Bitcoin in your country drop a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Check in this time tomorrow for the next Profit Post.
 As always, happy gambling and I hope your profits are high.




Pics or it didn't happen

UPDATE 2017-11-27 7:45 AM

As promised here is day #2 of the review!
So far as it stands, HashFlare has the worst return right now and lowest planned forecast. One thing hashflare cant account for is market price prediction of ETH and as it stands now people expect it to hit around 9,000 USD in 5 years. With that being said, it has the lowest ROI and longest time for returns due to the fact your not trading or investing but mining.
Key thing to consider the longer you mine after a certain point you will get less per block reward because of difficulty increases. If you can purchase a big chunk of mining speed, then I recommend it, with little money in don't expect life changing numbers.

Hexabot: I will get updated in 2 Days 8 Hours and 22 Minutes
I got updated before the bots full cycle, current 24 hour profits stand at 1.9%
All BTC Profits experienced a 5.55%+ increase since start, BTC was at 9,000 USD when purchased and invested, currently standing at 9,698 USD.
Picture of Profits.


Put your money in BESTCOININV LTD
BESTCOININV LTD : Got me the 7% return! This is the highest level of daily % based returns I have seen anywhere, no compounding but frankly I don't care. Take $1000 USD put it in and start earning $70 USD A DAY! Stop working and live your freaking life! I know I have.

Sign up by clicking a banner!

Pictures of my BESTCOININV Profits, HashFlare Profits and Hexabot plans!

Update 2017-11-27 5:55 PM
Here is a Q&A with Director of BCIL

Profits after 2 deposits hitting 24 hours of work. 75675 Satoshi

Projected 30 day profits 0.0248043 BTC with BCIL
15days/ 0.0138234 BTC 30 day projection 0.0276468 BTC
 Instead of donating please use the link or click the banner to sign up for bestcoininv  LTD (BCIL) and may we all achieve financial freedom. - LTDice 


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